"Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least." ~Goethe~

13 November 2009

Moving on up to the hood...

Things are moving right along with the sweater. Did I mention that I have ants in my pants about getting it done so I can wear it? Wasn't sure. Maybe this weekend. Cross your fingers, toes, eyes, etc. so that it happens. I've got other things to start. Let's not even begin to talk about "the project list". That has been going through some rearranging since I started on Ravelry (karsbliss)at the beginning of the month. Quite sad I tell you. Problems have risen up concerning "the project list" since seeing all the wonderful projects out in the yarny world of ours. I'm going to have to squeeze in a little head warmer thingy for me before I conquer Glenn's sweater. (That man puts up with alot I tell you.) I have had this pattern printed out for a VERY long time and never did anything with it. Well, now I'm going to use it. Ravelry has stirred up a whole new "mess" of trouble for me. At least it's nothing illegal.

Anyhoo, after one person had a bit of a melt down yesterday with Math, we are staying away from that and sticking with lessons that "shouldn't" bring out that kind of episode about again. Cross your fingers on that one also. At least there will be an outing today to the bowling alley to hang out with some friends. Then a stop to the store for some necessities and a treat maybe.

We have a slight chance for some snow tonight. And I must say that I'm hoping for it. Nothing like seeing the white stuff float to the ground while you are curled up with a comfy, cozy blanket while enjoying some yarn action and the kids just hanging out around you. Could things be any better? Not in my book. Well, maybe add some hot chocolate and a hot yummy casserole and it's perfect. I'm feeling a finished project update within the next few days, so do check back.

Have a FAB weekend! Hope you all stay comfy cozy in your neck of the woods. :)


  1. You are talking about snow and I am still wearing short sleeves. How can the world be so unfair?! ;-)
    Can't wait to see your hoodie finished, you fast knitter!

  2. Kar, that sweater is just gorgeous! I so wish I could knit like that. I haven't knitted for about a year--ever since I tried making a hat for my daughter that would have fit...I don't know what, but it was HUGE!! It discouraged me. I am extrememly afraid of failure and so now I'm scared to try anything but maybe a dishcloth or scarf. Maybe I should start there again.

  3. Hi Kar sorry I haven't been around much I have been busy working and then had a bit of a health issue to deal with anywho here I am playing catch up just read your last two blogs and I must say you are doing a before job on the sweater and I can wait to wee it with the hood. I believe we all have long project list this time of year and I will get done what I can and any remaining gift projects will be belated ...oh well! Have a great weekend.

  4. Looks very cozy, wonderful color!

  5. This is so awesome! I have some serious sweater envy right now.

  6. Hey Kar! I did eat enough boiled peanuts for us both!LOL And kettle corn they have the best! I have a Ravelry too! Whats your username? Mine is Madcrafts!
