While it is still early in the morning, I love to go outside and just sit in the cool air and enjoy all the sights, sound, smells of the new day. Gentle little breezes, sweet smells in the air and pretty little melodies by the little songbirds in the trees and wondering around to see all the blooms around the yard. It's a wonderful start to the day.
While I will never become an expert at all things flowery, I must give thanks to a couple of people for all the help and advice that has helped me with my love of flowers in the yard.
First is
Julie whom I've known for over a decade, told me from the very beginning of our meeting "Just throw some seeds out there and see what happens. Don't be afraid!" Best advice ever, I swear. Turned my world upside down with all the seeds that I just "throw" out in the yard now. I have now been dubbed "crazy flower lady" in my neighborhood. Love that.
Second would be
Teresa, who has given me simple but wonderful advice on how to propagate flowers so I can have even more around the yard. Buy a few plants at the nursery, take them home, cut a few snippets off, dip in rooting powder and pray they take root. This is the first year I have attempted this and it it went well. Oh the possibilities that are in front of me now.
Thanks to these two wonderful people I can continue on with my "Crazy Flower Lady" image and make it grow.