"Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least." ~Goethe~

30 March 2015

So dang happy...

     Spring has definitely arrived here.  Crisp mornings and warm afternoons.  Waking up with the sky getting lighter earlier in the mornings.  If I had my way, the sun would be out showing itself at 6am.  I look for excuses to open the windows as early as possible already.  Ice tea is being made continuously.  Moments on the patio are taken as soon as chores and other responsibilities are taken care of.  Seeds are filling up the greenhouse.  It's quickly running out of room for everything I want to grow.  I couldn't wait any longer to smell fresh cut grass, so I gassed up the lawn mower and went to town with it.  I got stange looks from several people passing by.  I didn't care.  It's all about me and not them.   I was happy.  If I could have skipped while pushing the mowing without hurting myself, I would have.

     I'm so freakin' glad that Spring is finally here!!!



1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful sights! I know you'll be gearing up for your rhubarb stash. :-)
