"Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least." ~Goethe~

10 April 2015

Making progress...

     Easter was wonderful.  A most wonderful, quiet weekend.  Just the four of us.  The highlight had to have been making the "monster" eggs and Strawberry Lemonade pies and then the girls having to find where the Easter Bunny hid their baskets.  It took longer this year, so I'm thinking the Bunny did a good job at hiding them.  I still ate too much candy, even after asking the Bunny not to leave too much this year.  Life goes on.  Our little duck friends came back for a quick visit that evening looking for bugs and the bits of bread that was left in the yard for them.  It's a simple little thing that makes the girls squeal when ever they spot them in the yard.  So cute.

     Progress is being made on the quilt repair department.  One is finished, washed and ready to go.  It isn't perfect.  But at least it is all in one piece now.  The other is proving to be a lot more work.  Some blocks can be saved.  Just a few stitches here and there to hold them together.  The rest have to be pulled apart all together and remade with new fabrics.  The craft room is a mess.  Which bothers me from time to time.  It can get rather chaotic in there with 3 people in there working on totally different things at the same time.  But on the other hand it's pretty wonderful having the girls in there with me making things that make them smile.  One person has been on a skirt sewing frenzy here lately.  She went into a panic when she couldn't find the pattern she had been using.  The search went on all over the house for it.  Finally I packed everyone in the car to go get another one.  So much easier than to see someone continue to panic the rest of the day over one pattern.  My list only consisted of one pattern and one zipper.  While I did get what I had planned for, there were a few new fabrics that some how found their way into a cart and ended up coming home with me.  I really don't know how that happened.  They wait patiently now on the shelves with all the other stashed pieces, just waiting for that perfect project to be used in.  There are ideas floating around in my head for them already.

     The sun is shining, the air is warm.  Which only means time out in the yard cleaning up after Winter.  There are plans for the front flower bed that change daily.  Yesterday was a wonderful day with a great many hours spent out in the yard making things look better.  I'm hoping for a few more today before rain comes again.  I'm getting a little impatient with waiting on all the flower seeds that have been planted.  Too bad they don't just pop up out of the ground over night to show their pretty selves.  In a perfect world.  




  1. Your craft room looks exactly as it should, a busy, slightly chaotic place which shows much creativity has taken place. I hope your flower seeds start popping through the ground soon.
    Anne xx

  2. Glad you and your family had a wonderful Easter. The monster eggs are so cute. I miss doing fun things like that with my children. You're so lucky to have your own craft room. My projects are always scattered on the dining room table. LOL!!

  3. It sounds like good things are going on around there and love that you have visiting ducks!

  4. I can only imagine how beautiful it is to see all that craftiness going on simultaneously. The beauty of having a craft room is that you can shut the door when you leave and no one can see all the scraps and things. Enjoy it all. Looking forward to seeing some of these newly sewn creations. :-)
