"Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least." ~Goethe~

19 July 2010

Squares, squares and more squares...

It was a hit and miss weekend around here, as far as what I had planned to get accomplished.  There was absolutely no work done on the baby blanket.
But there were plenty of bits of color that were cut out and gathered for the other project that I will be working on soon.
Every bit of fabric was cut from scraps from past projects, mostly from making the kids something from one time to another.
 I even found a very old pair of shorts that I made Brendon at one time and asked him if he would mind letting me cut them up so something of him could be in the blanket.  As one can tell, he obliged.  He used to love going to the fabric store (when he was much younger) to pick out some new, cool fabric for summer shorts.  It was the only thing he would let me make him besides a blanket at one time.  I don't think he would even think about setting one foot inside a fabric store now.
 So after 529 colorful squares later, I still have to cut 96 white ones out so that I can begin 
"The Quilt".
I have to come up with a system of sorts on how to arrange the colors as I go when sewing.  I don't want to lay everything out on the floor.  That would kick my 'control tendencies' into over drive and I would never get to sewing the squares up.  I'm thinking the best thing would be is to let the girls mix them all up, put them all in a bag (that I can't see through) and just start picking them out one by one.  And sticking with what comes out.  Oh that's hard to imagine me doing.  But I'm going to do it.  I will.  I have to.  :)

 I've got lots on my list today to do so that I can finally get to all this colorful creativeness.
Reading time with a wee one
Bake cookies
Baby blanket
I better get my tail moving so I can get back to all those squares.


  1. so many squares!!! it's going to make a beautiful quilt :)

  2. looks like fun, can't wait to see it.

  3. So much prettiness!
    I have always wanted to make a quilt,I even have bags and boxs of already cut up material in perfect squares.
    I am not sure if I think just one time that I go into the spare bedroom those squares are going to have found eachother and made themselves into a quilt or what:)
