"Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least." ~Goethe~

23 November 2009

Slowing down...

Another weekend marked off the calendar. There was plenty of raking going on again, some baking, reading with a little one and a few artistic creations that just had to be made by two little people. And of course, some yarn time. Busy, but wonderful. It was the right kind of busy. Nothing that left you pulling your hair out. Aren't those days wonderful.

I was able to get the front and back finished on Glenn's sweater. I sat in the amongst the quietness this morning and started on a sleeve. I'm liking the charcoal color that Glenn picked out to go with the gray. It's funny to watch Glenn come by every once in a while to check on the progress made and hear his "it's looking good" comments. There was even a little jig to go along with the comments yesterday. Hilarious! Who knew you could so excited over having a sweater made for you.

The girls and I made some bread Saturday and you must try the recipe. Thanks Sherry for sharing your Mom's recipe on your blog. We ended up with 4 loaves and only 1/2 of one is left. It is that good. Glenn asked if we were going to make more today. I might be able to squeeze it into my busy schedule. :) And yes Sherry, I kept telling everyone to get out of the kitchen and quit eating the bread all day Sunday. This is all I was able to save. Sherry's recipe is definitely a keeper around here. Yummo!!! It's great with soup!

Well, off to enjoy another cup of hot chocolate and then get to the bread. There are no lessons for the week and we are just winging it, enjoying the week as it comes. Wednesday will be our prep day for Thanksgiving. I let the girls choose the desert this year. Instead of pie, we are having blueberry crisp. Can't go wrong with that. Just don't smile after eating it. Blue teeth galore! :)

The radio station in town that plays non-stop Christmas songs for the season has already started. I just think that is wrong. We haven't even cut the turkey yet for Pete sake. I'm making the girls wait until Friday morning to turn it on. Then they can listen as long as they want.

Hope everyone has a wonderful few days before Thanksgiving. I'm not letting anything stress me out this year. Just take it as it comes, as I am sitting and enjoying some wonderful yarn time here and there. Life is good!


  1. It's too early for Christmas songs, I agree. I think I may make some kind of crisp or cinnamon cake to go with the cider. All your food looks yummy and so does the yarn.

  2. No...not too early for Christmas songs for me...at my home...any time of the year. I have a CD player that stores 300 CDs. I put it on all disc shuffle and it plays a random selection of songs. I love to hear Christmas music when it's 100 degrees or higher in August! ;o) Crank the a/c down and enjoy it! Okay. I don't touch the thermostat...re: post on my blog about thermostat wars...

    Glad you enjoyed the bread! It is melt in your mouth good isn't it?!

  3. Can I come live with you!! Homemade bread, cocoa and knitting. It sounds so relaxing. I don't hear anything about cleaning or laundry ;) I do have to confess.....I've been itching for some Christmas music. I haven't indulged yet though. I'm trying to wait so I don't wear it out.

  4. I like that charcoal yarn too, maybe I should make another cardigan in that colour when I'm finished with Mrs Darcy. I'm doing it again - planning new projects before finishing my current ones. Oh well. ;-)

    They aren't playing Christmas songs here but shop windows are heavily decorated since November started. Geez!

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  5. Glenn is a lucky man, you are making him a wonderful sweater and you cook so many delicious things!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Kar!
