Have you ever had a project that seemed like it took forever to finish? You were really not sure if there would be a day when you could say it was complete. This was that project for me. I really couldn't remember exactly when I started it so I went on to my Ravelry account to see if I had any information there about it. Thank goodness I had recorded its beginning. That was all, no other information added.
So this little gem was started back in the Summer of 2009. It's so sad to even be typing that. I had seen a picture of the most beautiful little blanket on another blog/flickr account and just knew I had to make one myself. So I set off to gather as many scraps as I had, stored everywhere in my craft room. Bits of yarn from all the previous projects I had completed. Scraps from things made for the kids, grandkids and anyone else in the family. I had started it with the thought that I would work on it in the evenings when the day was slowing down and everything was getting quiet. At some time I noticed that everything I gathered and had already completed eventually ended up in the craft room closet and I had forgotten about this project of mine. Longer than I dare to say.
I dug it out once again with the thought of working on it in the evenings again. A little here. A little there. At least it didn't end back in the craft room closet again. After each time I worked on it I would leave it lay in the living room, all folded nice and neat, just so I wouldn't forget about it and eventually stop working on it again. Slowly progress was being made. It was in full sight everyday just so I wouldn't forget that it needed to be finished. I didn't always work on it though.
But then came the Olympics this Summer and I thought this would be the perfect time to pull the big girl pants up and get this project finished. And so it began, every evening while the girls were watching certain events, I would sit myself down in the same spot and work on it as fast as possible before the two weeks were finished. Quiet weekend days were the best because I got so many brightly colored squares finished. I just couldn't put this blanket down now. Plus I definitely did not have any desire to be outside because it was far too hot out. Every time a row was finished I made sure everyone in the house knew about it and reminded them of how many rows and squares I had left to complete.
Then all the squares were finished. A scrappy colored edging with a little scallop was decided on and completed in two days. After the last two ends were weaved in the blanket went into the washer and dryer to get all soft and snuggly. All ready to use after all that time of waiting. 2009-2016. So very sad.
Hopefully I won't ever have another project that takes this long to finish. Seriously crossing all my fingers.