"Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least." ~Goethe~

22 February 2014

The Fort Firefly quilt...

It's funny how things just kind of happen, just kind of work out when starting on a new project.

In the beginning, this little quilt of ours was not suppose to be ours when finished.  My nephew had requested a new quilt being that his "baby" one was just too short for a big boy.  He was not happy about his feet getting cold from sticking out from underneath his quilt whenever he tried to snuggle with it.  

So I went looking online for the perfect big boy fabric.  I went straight to a certain collection that I had seen in the Fall.  I fell in love with it in the beginning but just put off buying a big bundle of it.  The link was sent to my brother so our little customer could approve the choice picked for him.

  My choice did not make his approval.  

We were all shocked.  We just couldn't understand how this little guy didn't like all the little critters among all these gorgeous boyish colored fabrics.  But he had very specific ideas for his quilt and I had this fabric bundle ordered and on the way.  Yes, I jumped the gun and bought the bundle being there wasn't very many left.  There lies another story about this particular fabric bundle and waiting so long to acquire it.  Another time.

  So what is one to do in a predicament?  

Make a quilt for around here.  Because why wouldn't we need another quilt amongst all the others we have.  It doesn't hurt to be over prepared for the Ice Age.  Whenever it may happen.

So even before the fabric arrived I went looking for the perfect pattern for the quilt.  I found one, adjusted it to my liking and started cutting as soon as the fabric arrived.  I worked on it here and there, all the while the people of the house would stop and see how things were moving along.  The front was finished.  There were decisions to be made about the back.  Suggestions were given.  The plan was finalized, put into action and the quilt was finished.  I even stayed up late on finishing night so it could be washed, dried and let everyone take a test snuggle with it.

It's now our favorite in the house.

I even got help from one of my quilt holders to take pictures.

It has now become somewhat of a "I-spy" quilt around here.  
Everyone finding their favorite little scene with the critters.  
The girls even make cutesy voices when they find something they like.

There are fire side chats.
Everyone tries to imagine what those chats are about.
Let's just say that there are some wild imaginations around here.

There are critters playing patty-cake.  
At least that is what I think.  
Someone else of my crew seems to think other wise.  His thought is that the chipmunk is freaking out about his lost nut stash and the raccoon is calming him down.  That is the girls favorite so that is what they are going with also.

There are marshmallows being roasted.
So stinking cute.

And parties to be had with the critters.

Not sure about the martini glass.  
The girls say it's just a fancy glass to have punch in.
I'll go with that.
Dad isn't that easily swayed.

There's even chips and dip, party hats and all kinds of sweets to be had.

Possums sleeping in hammocks, mice hanging up lights, 

and fishes in the streams.

It's the cutest ever.

What isn't so cute is the debating over who gets to use it.  I think Dad has now taken it to be his being that everyone else has their own special quilt and he doesn't.  

The tag now says it's his.

Maybe the girls can bat their eyes at him in order to get their own snuggle time with the quilt.

I'm not sure that will work though.  



19 February 2014

Nearly finished...

I can see the finish line ahead, as I sew this afternoon watching the mixed bag of weather outside my window.  Blustery winds, rain, sunshine, snow, freezing rain and dark clouds moving along.  Changing every few minutes.  Being inside and working on the quilt on a day like this makes me happy. 



13 February 2014

Rainy day work...

Piecing the back together.
It's tough but someone has to do it.
Nearly ready to make a quilt sandwich.



10 February 2014

Sewing retreat...

It was a perfect weekend to stay in and get our own in-house sewing retreat going.  We had snow Friday and Saturday.  Nearly 3" each day here at our place.  It was so pretty to look at.  No one complained about it because we know it is something we need up in the mountains.  And really what can you do about it.  While others look at it as a pain in the neck, I look at it as a positive event that benefits us in a couple of ways.  First and most important, much needed moisture that will go into the reservoirs for the growing season ahead in this area.  And second it makes us slow down and just enjoy time at home with each other.  Two very important benefits of the all that pretty white powdery stuff coming down.

  There was a quick trip to the fabric store when the snow slacked off to pick up a few necessary items for our private sewing retreat.  Then back home to hunker down in the craft room.  We had to figure out how arrange everything so that the three of us could be in the room sewing at the same time.  Yeah, the three of us.  Miss B finally got the "itch" to want to learn to sew and I made sure accommodations where made to get her going.  I was quite excited right along with her.  The basics were taught and repeated over and over.  There were several large pieces of scraps that were used to practice many straight lines.  1/4" seams were practiced and done very well for a first timer.  Now she wants to move on to the big stuff and start putting pieces together to make her very own quilt.  I'm thinking that will happen sometime this week.  So exciting!  Comments were made about how funny it was to walk by the craft room and see all three of us girls working away at our machines, humming along.

The front of my quilt is finished.  I'm loving the "pattern" I found and tweaked so that I didn't have to cut that adorable fabric to teeny pieces.  Fort Firefly has to be my most favorite fabric line to date.  I just have to figure out how I want to piece together the back now.  Hopefully something will come to me and I can get working on that quickly.  

Miss E is also working on a new quilt for one of the small cousins because he doesn't like how his other quilt is just too small for a big boy.  For a 3 1/2" yr. old, he knows what he wants.  Gotta love it.  Especially when the new blanket has to be handmade by Miss E.  All the fabrics were picked out by him and my brother.  Quite interesting choices, ones that are special to him.  That makes it even more awesome.

Now we will have to be patient to see what this week brings us as far as weather.  Fog this morning, warmer temps here in the valley, rain off and on here and more snow in the mountains.  Bring it on because I'm okay with it.



03 February 2014

Baking and making...

To say that the last few weeks were rough without having the sun streaming into the house would be a tad bit of an understatement for me.  I thought it was only two weeks of torture but in reality it was three.  To go that long with out seeing bright sunshine is awful.  And I am that person who really needs a dose of it, daily in the Winter.  Inversions in the Winter suck.  There's no other way to explain it.  This past weekend found us down by the river soaking up the sunshine and enjoying being outside.  This morning we woke up to snow again.  Totally didn't see that in the forecast yesterday.  At least the sun has showed itself all day since.    

I try to keep upbeat and busy during that kind of weather.  Finding any little thing to pass the day a little bit faster in hopes that tomorrow will bring that wonderful bit of sunshine.  So during this wait I went on a baking extravaganza.  

There was a special birthday that came along and that all important Purple Strawberry Cheesecake was made.  When that is the only special request that is asked for by the birthday girl I must make it happen.

I finally got up the nerve to make my own Sourdough Starter.  I've been wanting to do this for years.  I really don't know what I was waiting for.  It's so dang easy.  I've made over a dozen loaves of bread since and the flavor just keeps getting better and better.  I'm so glad I finally did this.  Come to find out my Oma used to make all her bread with starter and if ever she or her neighbors would have too much they would share with one another so that they would all have fresh homemade bread.  How awesome is that!  The things you find out by just talking to your parents.

Pies had to be made to take up our State Legislators again this year.  I must admit that I have only ever bought the pre-made pie crusts in the past because I was nervous about making my own.  And again I must admit I don't know what I was nervous about or why I put this simple task off.  I will never buy pre-made pie dough ever again.  I'm thinking I might even make a bunch of them and freeze them so I can have fresh pie whenever I get the hankering.

How could I pass on Double Crust Apple Blueberry Crumb pie whenever I feel like it?

And Homemade Chicken Pot Pie?

I don't know either.

I'm finally getting back into the making/creating mode now that the sun is showing itself again.  I've finally decided how I'm going to use this ever so cute fabric I have been hoarding away for a while.  The thought of cutting it up into little bitty pieces would send me into a panic.  Seriously, all those cute critters in their tree forts and roasting marshmallows while camping.  I just couldn't cut all that cuteness up.  Then I was inspired by a quilt I saw and knew I had to do something similar.  All is good now.

Now I'm waiting patiently for the next fabric line to come out from the same designer.  

Just keep the sunshine coming and all will be good around here.
